Product Overview
ADA Compliant Signs
River City Advertising’s sign experts will help you customize ADA compliant signs while ensuring it fits with your overall brand. A variety of colors, designs, materials, and finishes allow you to stay within ADA standards and provide aesthetically pleasing signs. We make braille lettering, offer ADA compliant fonts, and assist with picking colors that allow for high contrast as is required by ADA.
Restroom signs, handicap parking signs, exit signs, and room identification signs are among the most commonly requested ADA signs.
Facilities that must comply with the ADA Standards may also be required to comply with accessibility requirements established under state or local laws. If you are in a municipality with additional signage requirements, let us know what you need and our sign experts will be happy to assist you.
ADA Compliant Signs

what makes a sign ada compliant?
There are many guidelines that must be followed when making a sign ADA compliant and our sign experts will help you design your sign to meet these standards. In general, ADA signs must have a matte finish, high contrast between the background and lettering/graphics, adhere to specific ratios regarding element size and white space and must have all uppercase sans serif lettering. Additionally, the braille must be grade 2 which means that certain words are abbreviated. All of these features are meant to help someone who is visually impaired navigate your building. Since we don’t have enough space here to go into the full details of the requirements, please contact us with your needs and we’ll be happy to design ADA compliant signs that compliment your building.
at what height should ada signs be installed?
ADA signs should be mounted with their bottommost text between 48 and 60 inches above the floor. When we install the signs, we set the center of the sign at 60″, if possible.
Where should I mount our new ADA signs?
Signs should be mounted to the wall on the latch side of the door. If there is no room on that wall, the sign may be mounted on the nearest adjacent wall. If you have a double door with two active doors, the sign shall be located to the right of the right handed door. If you have a double door where only one side is active, the sign shall be located on the inactive door. If you have a door that swings inward, the sign may be mounted on the door if three criteria are met: 1) the door closes automatically, 2) the sign is mounted on the push side of the door, 3) the door does not have a hold-open device. (Common examples of doors that meet these criteria are kitchen doors, restroom doors, etc). If the door swings outward, the sign must be mounted to the wall outside of the arc of the door swing so that it is visible when the door is open. The sign should be located no further than 18″ from the door.
what fonts can we have on our ada signs?
“Characters shall be sans serif. Characters shall not be italic, oblique, script, highly decorative, or of other unusual forms. “[703.2.3]” The ADA compliant font list includes, but is not limited to Arial, Century Gothic, Helvetica, Myriad Pro, and Verdana.
Where are Braille signs required?
Raised charcters and Braille are required on signs idenitfying permanent rooms, spaces, and areas.
What needs to be on a handicap parking sign?
Signs should be mounted so that the lower edge of the sign is at least five (5) feet above the ground.
Remember, you may also have state and local requirements that apply.
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